Cigar Lounge

Cigar Lounge



Welcome to the Tonino Cigar lounge, a luxurious and sophisticated space where cigar aficionados can gather, relax, and enjoy a fine cigar in an elegant setting. The walls are adorned with art and vintage cigar memorabilia, adding to the ambiance of the space.

The cigar selection is carefully curated, featuring the finest cigars from Italy and around the world, with knowledgeable staff on hand to help guide customers in their selections. In addition to cigars, we also offer a selection of premium spirits and wines, as well as gourmet meals from our restaurant . The lounges are a place to unwind, socialise, and indulge in the finer things in life.

An Italian cigar lounge is a must-visit destination for anyone who appreciates the art and culture of cigar smoking.

Our cigar


Our cigar lounge offers a carefully curated range of cigars from all over the world, including premium Italian cigars made from the finest tobaccos. These cigars come in a range of sizes, from small and light to large and bold, to suit every preference. 

Each cigar is carefully stored in a temperature and humidity-controlled environment to ensure its quality is maintained.

Our spirits


An Italian cigar lounge is not just a place to enjoy a fine cigar, but also a destination for those who appreciate premium spirits. The lounge’s selection of spirits is carefully curated to complement the flavours of our cigars, with a range of fine Italian and international spirits on offer.

Featuring a collection of single malt scotch, aged bourbon, and vintage cognac, along with rare and limited edition spirits that are sure to impress even the most discerning connoisseur. 

Join us for a cigar

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